An Innovative Technology for Politics



Political AnalyticsStrategiesCampaigns

Gain deeper social insights. Unlock growth opportunities, optimize strategies & connect with your voters like never before.

Start Your Campaign

Trusted by Political Leaders
Our Services

Empowering Political insights

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to reach a large number of people.

Digital Media Monitoring

We use digital media effectively can give contestant a significant advantage in the campaign.

Voter Analysis

engage with voters on digital media by responding to comments and questions, running contests and giveaways. 

Performance Analytics

We use data analytics to track the effectiveness of political media campaigns. 

Our History

More About Us

Unleash social potential

  • Creating and sharing content: We create and share content on social media, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics. This content can be used to inform voters about the candidate’s positions on the issues, to get users excited about the campaign, and to build relationships with potential supporters.
  • Running ads: Our Team run ads on social media to reach specific groups of voters. These ads can be used to promote the candidate’s message, to attack the competitor’s record, or to encourage users to get out and react.
  • Engaging with voters: We engage with users on social media by responding to comments and questions, hosting live Q&A sessions, and running contests and giveaways. This can help to build relationships with users and to get them more involved in the campaign.
  • Monitoring social media: We monitor social media to track what people are saying about the brand, the competitor, and the campaign. This information can be used to inform the campaign’s strategy and to identify potential problems.
  • Using data analytics: We use data analytics to track the effectiveness of their social media campaigns. This data can be used to see which posts are getting the most engagement, which ads are performing the best, and which demographics are most receptive to the client’s message.

More About Us

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Boost Social Reach

Maximizing reach and sourcing fresh content for you.

Maximizing reach and sourcing fresh content for you.

We advise our clients on their campaign strategy and targeted audience

Get creative inspiration

Seek imaginative ideas, spark creativity for innovative projects and endeavours.

100% Guaranteed

Make every post pop

Craft impactful content, enhance visibility, and captivate audience attention effectively.

exceptional customer service

Delivering outstanding support, exceeding expectations, fostering positive customer relationships.

Keep brand aesthetics on point

Maintain cohesive visual style, aligning with brand identity and messaging.

Our Client's Testimonials

── "Their analytics helped us uncover valuable insights, leading to a significant boost in engagement and conversions."

    Richardo Lim
    Richardo Lim


    ── "Efficiency, reliability, and attention to detail are what make Wrapmax our go-to packaging partner. Their solutions have exceeded our expectations every time."

      Jonathan Dume
      Jonathan Dume


      ── "Wrapmax provided exceptional support. Their creative packaging solutions and dedication to customer satisfaction have been invaluable to our business."

        Robert D. Soul
        Robert D. Soul


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        An Innovative Technology for Politics

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